Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. and Winston Under 40 present the Intern Experience – an annual program that welcomes college interns to Winston-Salem and introduces them to many exciting activities during the summer. We collaborate with Winston-Salem’s employers, colleges and universities, and nonprofit organizations to help interns cultivate a local network across industries and employers.

Intern Experience Kickoff

June 13 | 4:00pm-5:30pm | Wake Forest Biotech Place
Welcome to Winston-Salem! Featuring Christy Bellis, Founder and CEO, The Go-To Winston-Salem and Mark Owens, President and CEO, Greater Winston-Salem, Inc.

Career Resilience: Navigating Challenges & Cultivating Success | Lunch & Learn

June 26 | 12:00pm-1:00pm | GWS Office
This Winston Under 40 Lunch and Learn features Kristin Oliver, Chief Human Resources Officer, Hanesbrands Inc. Kristin will delve into professional development tactics to cultivate career success.

Workout for a Cause @ Fuel Fitness

July 8 | 5:30pm-6:30pm
At our Workout for a Cause events, Winston Under 40 members raise donations to support our annual nonprofit community partner, The Parenting PATH.

Winston Under 40 Social @ The Dash

July 19 | 5:00pm-6:30pm | Truist Stadium
This is an exciting networking opportunity for interns to meet young professionals working in Winston-Salem! Complimentary appetizers and ticket to the Dash game are included in registration.


Winston Under 40

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