Mixxer Makerspace Invents Face Shield Prototype
As the community planned to respond to the shortage of personal protective equipment needed to supply local hospitals, it was natural for people to turn to our local Mixxer Makerspace for ideas.
While Mixxer is currently closed to slow the spread of COVID 19, executive director Alan Shelton activated the Mixxer community virtually to develop a prototype face shield.
With the prototype design approved, Mixxer is now ready to pass along the design for production, offering a vital level of protection for local hospital workers.
Solarte Collections Sends Care Packages to Local Healthcare Workers
A local skincare company and member of Winston Starts, Solarte Collections is also stepping in to honor healthcare workers.
Solarte is sending care packages to nominated healthcare workers weekly through April. You can nominate someone in the medical industry by emailing Taylor.Clark@SolarteCollections.com.

Forsyth Tech and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Work Together for Students
With students at Forsyth Tech distance learning, the college has launched Forsyth Tech Cares to keep in touch with students and encourage them to focus on their academic success in trying times.
The staff at Forsyth Tech teamed up with the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools in order to meet the need for food access during the closures of both education systems.
With meal sites and delivery routes already in place at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, those access points are now open to Forsyth Tech students by presenting their student ID.