As of Monday, August 3rd you will have a new experience when calling to find out about bus routes and other transportation needs in the Piedmont Triad.

Piedmont Transit Resources is a regional information center where you can get your transit questions answered by calling one number.

Give us a call at 1-800-588-7787

The (336) 883-7278 phone number will roll into the Call Center so all PART Airport Area Shuttle pick-ups will be scheduled there as well.

* Transit Trip Planning
* Fare & Schedule Information
* Real-time Bus Status
* Transit Agency Policy Information
* Complaints/Commendations
* Lost & Found
* Rideshare (Carpool/Vanpool) Information
* Emergency Ride Home Information
* PART Airport Area Shuttle Requests
* Pass Sales
* Route & Informational Brochure Requests

Visit our website to find out more!