The Winston-Salem Fairgrounds has issued a request for proposal to award the naming rights for the Fairgrounds Annex.

Example of Naming Opportunity at the Annex
The fairgrounds is hoping to partner with a regionally based business for a minimum of three years in order to enhance the marketing presence of the business while providing the fairgrounds with a new income stream.
Proposals should include an alternative name for the annex to better convey its role as a versatile multi-use facility. Examples listed in the RFP include such words as “forum” and “center.”
Proposals will be reviewed by the Public Assembly Facilities Commission and approved by the Mayor and City Council after evaluation by Fairgrounds and City staff.
The annex has 28,000 square feet that is used for concerts, community events, trade shows and sporting events, including the home games of the Carolina Thunderbirds minor league hockey team.
The Winston-Salem Fairgrounds is impacted annually by an estimated nearly 3 million visitors by means of vehicle and foot traffic. The facility is used more than 150 days a year with a total direct attendance of 100,000. During the Dixie Classic Fair, which averages 300,000 or more attendees per year, the annex is used for commercial exhibits. According to the N.C. Department of Transportation, an average of 5,200 vehicles pass by the annex on Deacon Boulevard daily, or almost 1.9 million vehicles a year.
The RFP will be issued by the City-County Purchasing Division and will be posted online at